Our patients have either been to 20+ providers or more with no answers and seeking insight on why they are unwell, or they are just starting out on a health journey and seeking a holistic approach. For most patients, we have a 5-step process for our initial health assessment. So that our team has ample time to review the findings we usually perform all of the tests on one day (which may take up to 3 or more hours) and complete the report of findings consult on the following day.
The new patient process includes:
- Comprehensive Health Intake Sessions and review of any recent reports, tests, scans, labs, protocols, supplements, and/or medications
- Heart Rate Variability Test
- ZYTO (Electrodermal Screening) and AO Scan (Energetic Test)
- Full Body Screening Ultrasound
- Report of Findings Consult and Strategy Session
Depending on the symptoms or needs of the patient, we may also suggest a QEEG brain mapping and/or an EVOX (emotion) mapping session. We understand that not every patient comes to us needing a comprehensive care plan, so it is possible to start with specific services or therapies and forego the comprehensive new patient process as determined on a case-by-case basis by one of our caring staff.